SSC CGL Tier l 2023 Question Paper Shift 1 (July 18th)


For the following questions answer them individually

Question 61

A shopkeeper offers the following two discount schemes.
A) Two successive discounts of 10% and 15%
B) Buy 5 get 2 free.
Which scheme has the maximum discount percentage?

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Question 62

A can finish a work in 20 days and B can complete the same work in 15 days. B worked for 9 days and left the job. In how many days can A alone finish the remaining work?

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Question 63

Two trains P and Q of lengths 320 m and 540 m, respectively, are running in the same direction on parallel tracks at 108 km/h and 144 km/h, respectively. How much time will the trains take to cross each other completely?

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Question 64

10 men can do a work in 25 days. After 12 days of work, 3 more men were engaged to finish the work. The number of days required to complete the remaining work is:

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Question 65

If the simple interest for 5 years is equal to 25% of the principal, then the interest will be equal to the principal after ______________ years.

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Question 66

Which of the following numbers will completely divide $$4^{12} + 4^{13} + 4^{14} + 4^{15}$$?

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Question 67

If $$\cot A = \frac{12}{5}$$, then the value of $$(\sin A + \cos A) \times \cosec A$$ is

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Question 68

Raj's income is ₹45,000 and his expenditure is ₹33,000. If his income is increased by 20% and expenditure by 12%, then what will be the percentage increase in saving?

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Question 69

Which of the following numbers is divisible by 24?

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Question 70

The average weight of a team of 20 people was calculated to be 59.8 kg and it was later discovered that one weight was misread as 68 kg instead of 77 kg. The correct average weight is:

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