Ratio and proportion formulas for CAT PDF

    ratio and proportion formulas cat pdf
    ratio and proportion formulas cat pdf

    Ratio and Proportion is one of the easiest concepts in CAT. Questions from this concept are mostly asked in conjunction with other concepts like similar triangles, mixtures and alligations. Hence fundamentals of this concept are important not just from a stand-alone perspective, but also to answer questions from other concepts.

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    Outline of various topics covered in this Ratio and Proportion pdf are :

    • Definition of Ratio
    • Properties of Ratios (Equlaities, Invertendo, Alternendo, Componendo, Dividendo, Componendo-Dividendo and some other similar formulas.)
    • Types of Ratios (Duplicate, Sub-duplicate, Triplicate, Sub-triplicate ratios)
    • Introduction to proportions (including extremes and means)
    • Properties and formulas of proportions (continued proportion,  third proportion,  fourth proportion)
    • Variations
    • Types of variations and their formulas(directly proportional and inversely proportional)
    • Properties of Variations

    Download all other formulas for CAT. Practice questions from this topic in CAT Study Material.


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