Raksha invested an amount of Rs. 60,000 to start a software business. After six months, Kamal joined her with an amount of Rs. 90,000. After one year from the commencement of the business, Raksha put in an additional amount of Rs. 20,000. At the end of three years, they earned a profit of Rs. 71,20,000. What is Raksha's share in the profit ?
Equivalent capital of Raksha for 1 year
= Rs. (60,000 $$\times$$ 1 + 80,000 $$\times$$ 2)
= Rs. 60,000 + 1,60,000
= Rs. 2,20,000
Equivalent capital of Kamal for 1 year
= Rs. (90,000 $$\times 2\frac{1}{2}$$)
= Rs. 2,25,000
=> Ratio of capitals = 2,20,000Â : 2,25,000
= 44Â : 45
Total profit = Rs. 71,20,000
=> Raksha's share in the profit = $$\frac{44}{44 + 45} \times 71,20,000$$
= $$44 \times 80,000$$
= Rs. $$35,20,000$$
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