
Some sentences related to a topic are given in each question. Find the sentence which is out of context of the main theme of the paragraph and rearrange the remaining sentences to make a coherent paragraph. If the given sentence is correct as it is then choose option E. If the sequence is the one which is not given then choose option D as your choice.

Question 90

(A) And although there is great interest among intellectual historians today in (B)/ No major study has focused on the visual documents integral to this epistemic shift (C)/ Even though the philosophical visualizations of Meurisse, Chéron, and Gaultier had (D)/ challenges to Aristotelian orthodoxies during the “scientific revolution”, (E)/ An international reputation in the early modern period, they have since been largely forgotten,


On carefully reading the fragments, we see that the sentence is about the early philosophical tradition. Sentence C introduces the subject of the sentence. Hence, it should be the opening fragment. Sentence E completes the structure of the ‘even though’ part. Hence, it should follow sentence C. Fragment A should follow C as it introduces a new dimension. Sentences D and B form a pair, completing the ‘although…, no major’ part of the sentence. Hence, CEADB forms a coherent sentence.

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