
Some sentences related to a topic are given in each question. Find the sentence which is out of context of the main theme of the paragraph and rearrange the remaining sentences to make a coherent paragraph. If the given sentence is correct as it is then choose option E. If the sequence is the one which is not given then choose option D as your choice.

Question 89

(A) Secured the book as a landmark in the study and representation of demons. (B)/ A monumental compendium of all things diabolical, was first published in 1818 to much success, (C)/ At its heart lies an unlikely but pertinent synthesis of the Enlightenment and the occult (D)/ It is the fabulously illustrated final edition of 1863 which (E)/ Although Jacques Collin de Plancy’s Dictionnaire infernal,


On carefully reading the fragments, we see that Plancy’s infernal is the topic of the sentence. Sentence E introduces the subject. So, it should be the opening fragment. Sentence B should follow E as it further describes the book. Fragments D and A form a pair and complete the structure of the sentence - ‘ Although the first edition was good, it was ….’. Thus, EBDA forms a coherent sentence. C which speaks about the enlightenment and occult is out of context.

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