
Some sentences related to a topic are given in each question. Find the sentence which is out of context of the main theme of the paragraph and rearrange the remaining sentences to make a coherent paragraph. If the given sentence is correct as it is then choose option E. If the sequence is the one which is not given then choose option D as your choice.

Question 80

(A) Of the glorious climate of California he will hear much at every step, (B)/ when a Spanish novelist, either in fancy or prophecy, (C)/ the State and Lower California as long ago as 1510, (D)/ The name California was given to the territory comprising (E)/ wrote concerning "the great land of California, where an abundance of gold and precious stones are found."


On carefully reading the fragments we see that the sentence talks about the ‘golden state’ California. Fragment D introduces the subject. Hence, it should be the opening fragment. C should follow D as it mentions what constituted the state. Fragments B and E form a pair as they explain the reason behind California’s name. DCBE forms a coherent sentence. Sentence A is out of context and should be excluded.

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