
Read the following information answer the question that follow:
Some people enter a conference room and get seated around a circular table.
The following is known about them.
(i) The first to enter sits opposite to one who belongs to Durgapur but right of Ranchi.
(ii) Teacher belongs to Kolkata and is right to IT professional.
(iii) The guy from Durgapur is adjacent to teacher and architect and opposite to doctor.
(iv) The guy from Ranchi is opposite to architect who is not from Dharbhanga.
(v) The doctor belongs to Chennai and sits adjacent to those who came at 3rd and 6th positions.
(vi) The guy from Burdwan is adjacent to guys who came at 3rd and 5th positions.
(vii) Professor who didn’t come at 5th position is equidistant from guys from Ranchi and Durgapur.

Question 65

Professor is opposite to-


From the arrangement, we can see that Professor is sitting opposite to teacher.

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