Question 63

Ramaswami was studying for his examinations and the lights went off. It was around 1:00 a.m. He lighted two uniform candles of equal length but one thicker than the other. The thick candle is supposed to last six hours and the thin one two hours less. When he finally
went to sleep, the thick candle was twice as long as the thin one. For how long did Ramaswami study in candle light?


Assume that the initial lenght of both the candle was L and Vipul studied for X hours.
In X hours, total thick candle burnt = XL/6
In X hours, total thin candle burnt = XL/4
After X hours, total thick candle remaining = L - XL/6
After X hours, total thin candle remaining = L - XL/4
Also, it is given that the thick candle was twice as long as the thin one when he finally went to sleep.
(L - XL/6) = 2(L - XL/4)
(6 - X)/6 = (4 - X)/2
(6 - X) = 3*(4 - X)
6 - X = 12 - 3X
2X = 6
X = 3

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