
In a school students at Pioneer career Kolkata wrote Mock test which has three subjects DI, VA and QA, here is the result of these students. 80 students cleared cut off in DI, 70 in VA and 60 in QA. Only 40 students cleared all the three subjects. 10 students failed to clear cut off even in one subjects. 50 students cleared cut off in VA and QA. 5 students cleared in cut off in only QA.

Question 50

If number of students who didn’t clear cut off in at least two subjects is maximum possible then find the number of students who failed in exactly one subject?


Since 40 students cleared cut off in all the three subjects, while 50 students cleared cut off in VA and QA hence the number of students who cleared cut off in only VA and QA is 50-40 =10

5 students cleared cut off in only QA hence the number of students who cleared cut off in only DI and QA is 60-40-10-5=5

Let the number of students who cleared cut off in only DI and VA is x.

number of students who didn’t clear cut off in at least two subjects = (35-x)+(20-x) + 5 + 10 = 70-2x

This is max when x=0

=> number of students who failed in exactly one subject = 10+5+x = 15

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