
In the following questions two equations numbered I and II are given. You have to solve both the equations and
Give answer a: if x > y
Give answer b: if x ≥ Y
Give answer c: if x < y
Give answer d: if x ≤ Y
Give answer e: if x = y or the relationship between x and y cannot be established.

Question 50

I. $$3x^{2}+14x+15=0$$
II. $$2y^{2} +19y+44=0$$


I.$$3x^{2} + 14x + 15 = 0$$

=> $$3x^2 + 9x + 5x + 15 = 0$$

=> $$3x (x + 3) + 5 (x + 3) = 0$$

=> $$(x + 3) (3x + 5) = 0$$

=> $$x = -3 , \frac{-5}{3}$$

II.$$2y^{2} + 19y + 44 = 0$$

=> $$2y^2 + 8y + 11y + 44 = 0$$

=> $$2y (y + 4) + 11 (y + 4) = 0$$

=> $$(y + 4) (2y + 11) = 0$$

=> $$y = -4 , \frac{-11}{2}$$

$$\therefore x > y$$

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