
Each question consists of a set of numbered statements. Assume that each one of these statements is individually true. Each of the four choices consists of a subset of these statements. Choose the subset as your answer where the statements therein are logically consistent among themselves:

Question 42

A. If Kumar sings, then the audiences sleep.
B. If Kumar sings, then the audiences dance.
C. Unless audience do not dance, the concert will be successful.
D. Only if the audience dance, the concert will be successful.
E. If Vina dances, then Kumar sings.
F. Kumar sings only if Vina dances.
G. Vina dances
H. The concert is successful.


In option 2, statement A says- If Kumar sings then the audiences sleep.

of the other 4 statements C, F,G and H, none of the statements mention

anything about sleep and hence option (B) is incorrect.
If option (B) is incorrect, option (D) is also incorrect as it mentions both (B) and (C).
C: Unless audience does not dance, the concert will be successful.
This can also be put as - If the audience dance, the concert will be successful.
F: Kumar sings, only if Vina dances.
This means that - If Kumar has sung, then Vina has danced.
But if Vina has danced, Kumar may or may not have sung.
B: if Kumar sings, then the audience dances.

don't know whether Kumar has sung or not and so we don't know whether

the audience have danced or not. Hence we cannot conclude that the

concert is successful as given in statement H.
So option (A) is also logically incorrect.
E: if Vina dances, then Kumar sings.
G: Vina dances.
Thus from these two statements v/e know that Kumar sings.
B: If Kumar sings, then audiences dance.
Thus audiences have danced.
C: Unless audience does not dance, the concert will be successful.
This can also be put as - If the audience dance, the concert will be successful.
Thus the concert is successful as mentioned in statement H.

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