Question 35

In a certain code language, ‘EMPTYD’ is written as ‘CJNQWA’. What will be the code for ‘VACANT’ in that code language?

EMPTYD ==> E-2 M-3 P-2 T-3 Y-2 D-3 ==> CJNQWA

VACANT ==> V-2 A-3 C-2 A-3 N-2 T-3 ==> TXAXLQ


Place value of V - 2 = 20 place value of T

Place value of A - 3 = 24 place value of X

Place value of C - 2 = 1 place value of A

Place value of A - 3 = 24 place value of X

Place value of N - 2 = 12 place value of L

Place value of T - 3 = 17 place value of Q

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