
Answer the questions based on the following information.
The following table gives the urban population of a country and the percentages of total population in rural and urban areas as recorded in the 10-years censuses during 1901-81.
Table 1. Urban and rural population 1901-1981

Question 23

The largest rate of increase in urban population in a decade during 1901-1981 occurred in


Let's solve the options one by one .

Option A : 1971-81 $$\frac{150-100}{100}$$ = 0.5

Option B : 1961-71 $$\frac{100-79}{79}$$ = 0.266

Option C : 1951-61 $$\frac{79-62}{62}$$ = 0.274

Option D : 1941-1951 $$\frac{62-44}{44}$$ = 0.41

Among the above values,the largest rate of increase in urban population occurred during 1971-81

Hence A is the correct answer.

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