Question 17

Sentences of a paragraph are given below in jumbled order. Arrange the sentences in the correct order to form a meaningful and coherent paragraph.
A.In its most humble function, it is a necessary guide without which progress from place to place would be a ceaseless experiment; it is a sustenance without which organised society would be impossible, thus the Road moves and controls all history.
B.The Road is one of the great fundamental institutions of mankind.
C.It is the Road which controls the development of strategies and fixes the sites of battles. It is the Road that gives framework to all economic development. It is the Road which is the channel of all trade, and, what is more important, of all ideas.
D.Not only is the Road one of the great human institutions because it is fundamental to social existence, but also because its varied effects appear in every department of the State. It is the Road which determines the sites of many cities and the growth and nourishment of all.

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