
Each of the questions below consists of a question and two or three statements given below it. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question.

Question 165

Which code represents ‘Them’ in the given code language ?
1. In the code language, ‘Se Me Ye’ means ‘Tell Them Young’ and ‘Me Yo Na Ye’ means ‘Wise Young Sharp Tell’.
2. In the code language, ‘Na Ki Pa Lo’ means ‘Clever Sharp Come Tomorrow’ and ‘Ki Po Se Ye’ means ‘Bring Clever Young Them.
3. In the code language, ‘Pa Na Se Ki Te’ means ‘Clever Sharp Come Them No’ and ‘Ki Ni Pa Be Te Na’ means ‘Yellow Come Sharp Run Clever No’.


1 : The common words in both inferences are 'tell' and 'young' coded as = 'me' or 'ye'

=> Only word left in first inference is 'them' coded as = 'se'

Thus, 1 alone is sufficient.

2 : The only word common in both inferences is 'clever' coded as = 'ki'

Thus, we cannot find code for 'them', hence 2 alone is insufficient.

3 : The common words in both inferences are 'clever', 'sharp', 'come' and 'no' coded as = 'pa' or 'na' or 'ki' or 'te'

=> Only word left in first inference is 'them' coded as = 'se'

Thus, 3 alone is sufficient.

$$\therefore$$ Either 1 alone or 3 alone is sufficient.

=> Ans - (E)

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