
Each of the questions below consists of a question and two or three statements given below it. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question.

Question 164

What is the rank of Suresh in the class of 17 students ?
1. Nitin, having 13th rank from the bottom, is six ranks ahead of Bhupesh, who is two ranks behind Suresh.
2. Bhupesh is four ranks ahead of Kamlesh
3. Bhupesh is two ranks behind Suresh and Kamlesh’s rank is 15.


Total students in class = 17

1 : Nitin, having 13th rank from the bottom, is six ranks ahead of Bhupesh, who is two ranks behind Suresh.

=> Nitin's rank from top = (17+1)-13 = 5th

Thus, Bhupesh's rank from top = 11th

=> Suresh' rank = 11-2 = 9th

Clearly, 2 alone or 3 alone are insufficient as there is not enough data, thus by combining them, we get :

Kamlesh's rank = 15th

Thus, Bhupesh's rank from top = 11th

=> Suresh' rank = 11-2 = 9th

Thus, either 1 alone or 2 and 3 together are sufficient.

=> Ans - (B)

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