
Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:

When a word and number arrangement machine is given an input line of words and numbers, it arranges them following a particular rule. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement :
(All the numbers are two digit numbers).
Input : bike 51 ride 37 11 duke 58 damp line 75 tent 84
Step I : 84 51 ride 37 11 duke 58 damp line 75 tent bike
Step II : 75 84 51 ride 37 11 duke 58 line tent bike damp
Step III : 58 75 84 51 ride 37 11 line tent bike damp duke
Step IV : 51 58 75 84 ride 37 11 tent bike damp duke line
Step V : 37 51 58 75 84 11 tent bike damp duke line ride
Step VI : 11 37 51 58 75 84 bike damp duke line ride tent
Step VI is the last step of the above arrangement as the intended arrangement is obtained.
As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate steps for the given input.
Input : find 64 belt 28 54 lamp 17 give flat 69 real 95

Question 162

Which Step number would be the following output ?
28 54 64 69 95 17 real belt find flat give lamp

The pattern here followed is that the largest number is placed first and the word with smallest first letter in the alphabetical order is placed last.

This series is continued till the numbers are all in ascending order and the words based on the first letter are also in ascending order.

INPUT : find 64 belt 28 54 lamp 17 give flat 69 real 95

Step I : 95 find 64 28 54 lamp 17 give flat 69 real belt

Step II : 69 95 64 28 54 lamp 17 give flat real belt find

Step III : 64 69 95 28 54 lamp 17 give real belt find flat

Step IV : 54 64 69 95 28 lamp 17 real belt find flat give

Step V : 28 54 64 69 95 17 real belt find flat give lamp

Step VI : 17 28 54 64 69 95 belt find flat give lamp real

Step VI is the output.

28 54 64 69 95 17 real belt find flat give lamp - This output is observed in step V.

Ans - (A)

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