
In each of these questions, two quianitties A and B are given: Compare the two quantities and mark answer as

Question 160

A box of cards contains 2 blue cards and 2 red ones
A: The minimum number of cards that are needed to be taken out of the box: in order to get two cards with the same colour.
B: The minimum number of cards that are needed to be taken out of the box in order to get two cards with different colours


A is describing a scenario where out of the 4 cards in a box, 2 cards each of one colour. We need to find the minimum number of cards to ensure that there are two cards of the same colour. Let us consider the worse case scenario, 
First card is drawn and it is Blue
Second card is drawn and it is Red
The third card that you draw will either be red or blue, guaranteeing two cards of the same colour. 

The same principle can be applied to B as well. 

Hence, both quantities are equal. 


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