Given numbers $$x 4 68y05 $$
For divisibility by 11 difference of the sum of digits at the alternate place is taken and made divisible by 11
then $$(x +6+y+5) - (4+8+0)$$
$$\Rightarrow (x+y+11)-12$$
$$\Rightarrow \dfrac (x+y-1){11}$$
Now (x+y) should be such number that on subtracting 1 from it we should get a number divisible by 11 so the probableÂ
the answer would be 12 is $$(x=y)= 12Â
As $$ \dfrac{(x+y)-1}{11} $$
$$\Rightarrow \dfrac {12-1}{11}$$
$$\Rightarrow \dfrac {11}{11}= 1 $$
Ans = 12
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