
Each questinon has a sentence that has been scrambled and the scrambled parts have been marked A, B, C, D and E. Find the correct order of the parts to reconstruct the sentence.

Question 101

A. like the industrialized countries
B. as if they are to be suffered as relics of a backward post
C. we have specially driven attention to the non-motorized transport modes
D. because they are completely overlooked in transport planning
E. till replaced by faster petroleum fuelled transport


The first sentence should be the one which introduces the topic. C is the sentence which introduces the topic and talks about non-motorized transport modes and how they have drawn attention. D gives the reason for the point made in before statement. B continues the point made by D. It says that they are overlooked as they are considered as relics of backward past. E continues the point made by B and A cites an example for the point made by E. Therefore, the order is CDBEA.

The answer is option D.

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