SSC CPO 4th Oct 2023 Shift 1


For the following questions answer them individually

Question 121

The table below shows the number of students commuting to school by different modes of transport:


Which mode of transport is used by maximum number of students?

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Question 122

A boat covers a distance of 72 km downstream in 6 hours, while it takes 12 hours to cover the same distance upstream. What is the speed of the boat in still water?

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Question 123

Simplify: $$5\frac{1}{3} - {4\frac{1}{3} + (3\frac{1}{3} \div \overline{2\frac{1}{3} - \frac{1}{3}}$$

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Question 124

Simplify $$\frac{1 - \frac{3}{7} \div \frac{9}{49} \times \frac{3}{14}}{1 + \frac{3}{5} \div \frac{1}{25} \times \frac{1}{30}}$$.

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Question 125

In an election between two candidates, 80% of the voters cast their votes, out of which 5% votes were declared invalid. A candidate got 9500 votes which were 80% of the valid votes. Find the total number of voters enrolled in that election.

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Question 126

An inlet pipe can fill an empty tank in 3.6 hours, while an outlet pipe can drain a completely-filled tank in 6.3 hours. If both the pipes are opened simultaneously when the tank is empty, in how many hours will the tank get completely filled?

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Question 127

Avi sold a house to Bhargav at a gain of 10% and Bhargav sold it to Chetan at a gain of 20%. If Chetan paid ₹2,64,00,000 for it, then at what price must Avi have purchased it?

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Question 128

The pie chart 1 given below shows the runs scored by a player against 6 different countries during 2019-2020. Pie chart 2 shows the runs scored by the same player against the same 6 countries during 2020-201.


Find the difference between the total runs scored against New Zealand and Pakistan during 2019-1020 and the total runs scored against Sri Lanka and Pakistan during 2020-2021.

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Question 129

Find the total surface area of a sphere whose volume is $$\frac{256}{3} \pi cm^{3}$$.

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Question 130

If $$k(\tan 45^{\circ} \sin 60^{\circ}) = \cos 60^{\circ} \cot 30^{\circ}$$, then the value of k is:

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