SSC CHSL 13th April 2021 Shift-2


For the following questions answer them individually

Question 61

A and B can complete a work in 80 days and 96 days, respectively. They completed the work in 32 days with the help of C. How manydays will C take to complete the entire work alone?

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Question 62

Asolid metallic cube of side 20 cm is melted and recast into a cuboid of length 40 cm and breadth 40 cm, Whatis the length (in cm)of the body diagonal of the cuboid?

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Question 63

A straight vertical pole was broken during a cyclonein such a waythatits top touched the ground at a distance of $$6\sqrt{3}$$ m from the bottom of the pole and made an angle of 30° with the horizontal. What wasthe height (in m) of the pole?

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Question 64

Study the given bar graph and answer the question that follows.

The average production in 2002 and 2003 was exactly equal to the average production in which of the following pairs of years?

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Question 65

Given that $$(2x + y)^3 - (x + 2y)^3 = (x - y)[A(x^2 + y^2) + Bxy]$$, the value of $$(2A - B)$$ is:

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Question 66

The average age of 125 students in a groupis 16.2 years. 40%of the students are boys andthe rest are girls. The average ageof the boys is 20% more than the averageageofthe girls. What is the average age(in years) of the boys?

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Question 67

Two sides of a triangle are 12.8 m and 9.6 m. If the heightof the triangle is 12 m. corresponding to 9.6 m, then what is its height (in m) correspondingto 12.8 m?

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Question 68

Asum of ₹2,432 amounts to ₹2,681.28 in 2 years at a certain rate per cent per annum, interest compounded yearly. What will be the simple interest (in ₹) on the same sum for $$4\frac{2}{8}$$ years at double the same rate?

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Question 69

A shopkeeper bought 40 dozen eggs at ₹1.40 each. 80 eggs were broken in transportation. He sold the remaining eggs at ₹1.60 each, Whatis his profit or loss per cent?

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Question 70

A solution contains acid and water in the ratio of 4 : 5. If 20%of the solution is replaced by water, then what will be the ratio of acid and water in the new solution?

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