SIBM PUNE Interview Experiences

SIBM PUNE Interview Experience by GEM Fresher student


#GEM Fresher

GE - Existing Energy Crisis.

Five industries were given and we need to find out the top 2 industries that will be affected the most.

Personal Interview (Lasted 20-25 minutes)

2 Panelists,

P1 - Male

P2 - Female

A - Me

Exchange of greetings.

P1 - Are you a little Nervous?

A - Admitted, but, said c…

SIBM PUNE Interview Experience by BE Mechanical student


#BE Mechanical

Document verification, WAT, Group Exercise, PI.

WAT: 3x3 matrix of words was given. We had to choose any 3 words and write a WAT on that in 15 minutes. I chose Import-Covid19-Economy.

Group Exercise: Problem was Lack of reliable renewable energy. 4 industries were given: Biotechnology,…

SIBM PUNE Interview Experience by GEM student


#GEM #1.5 yrs of Work Exp

2 Interviewers 1M 1F

M1 F1 - Good Afternoon Aman

A - Good Afternoon Maam , Good Afternoon Sir.

M1 - How are you Aman

A - I am fine sir , how about you.

M1 - I am good , Aman tell me about yourself in Brief

A - Told

M1 - As I can see Aman you’ve worked as a derivatives trader in …

SIBM PUNE Interview Experience by Data Research Analyst student


#Work Exp - Data Research Analyst

• WAT: What would your day look like without electronic gadgets, forbidden to use the word “people”

• GE/GD: minimising the effects of recession

2 Panelists (1M,1F)

Time: 20-22mins I think


•Tell us about yourself: answered

•What is non nse certified: explained

• a…

SIBM PUNE Interview Experience by GEM student



WAT- Describe a Monday Morning when you received a job letter. Don't use the word 'excitement'.

GE - Promoting make in India.

Hats given : Political, Eco, Technology

(Group was good, we discussed one by one. Minor quarrels. Concluded with 45-50seconds in hand)

PI - 2 M Panelist (40+ each)…