RBI Grade B 17 NOV 2002


In each of the following questions a statement is given followed by two assumptions numbered I and II. An assumption is something supposed or taken for granted. You have to consider the statement and the following assumptions and decide which of the assumptions is implicit in the statement, then select the correct answer from the alternatives (1),(2), (3), (4) and (5).

Give answer a: if only assumption I is implicit.
Give answer b: if only assumption II is implicit.
Give answer c: if either assumption I or II is implicit.
Give answer d: if neither assumption I nor II is implicit
Give answer e: if both the assumptions I and II are implicit.

Question 151

Statement : The Government should engage army for the rapid rehabilitation of people affected by the cyclone.
I. Only army can rehabilitate the people affected by cyclone quickly.
II. Army can take up other works also other than war.

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Question 152

Statement : His recent investment in the shares of Company ‘A’ is only a gamble.

I. He may incur loss on his investment.
II. He may gain from his investment.

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Question 153

Statement : Government should deploy army at least this year for the rehabilitation of people affected by cyclone because cyclone visits suddenly.
I. The army should be deployed for all such sudden incidents.
II. Some precautionary plan is being made to prevent destruction caused by cyclone.

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Question 154

Statement : It is not true always that the adoption of latest technology ensures increased productivity and capacity.
I. It is possible to prove the increased productivty and capacity due to adoption of latest technology.
II. The productivity and capacity can be increased by discarding latest technology.

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Question 155

Statement : If you could not collect required amount by oral call you must publish an advertisement in a widely read newspaper.
I. Usually people respond to oral call rarely.
II. Generally people are reluctant to read advertisement in newspaper.

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Study the following information to answer the questions given below :
‘A * B’ means ‘multiply A by B.
‘A @ B’ means ‘subtract B from A’.
‘A $ B’ means ‘add B to A’.
‘A # B’ means ‘divide A by B’

Question 156

What is the average of five consecutive odd numbers, if S is the lowest number among them ?
(A) (S $ 20) # 5
(B) 16 # 5 $ S
(C) (20 $ S) # 5

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Question 157

If the cost of 6 pens is Rs. 30, how many pens can be bought for Rs. 900 ?
(A) 6 *30 # 900
(B) 900 *6 # 30
(C) 900 $ 6 # 30

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Question 158

Two hundred per cent of m = 60 per cent of P. therefore P =?
(A) 2 * m * 100 # 60
(B) 200 * m # 100 * 60
(C) m * 10 # 3

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Question 159

Mahesh donates 7% of his monthly salary R to charity and spends Rs. 3000 per month on his house rent. What is the balance amount out of his monthly salarly ?
(A) R @ 7 * R # 100 $ 3000
(B) R @ 3000 @ 7 *100 # R
(C) R @ (R * 7 # 100 $ 3000)

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Question 160

The area of a circle is computed by multiplying the square of its radius by 22/7. What will be the total area of 14 circles, each with the same radius of ‘r’ cms. ?
(A) 22 * r *7 * r # 14
(B) 22 # 14 * r * r
(C) 44*r*r # 7

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