OMET Exams Syllabus 2025, XAT, MAT, NMAT, SNAP Download PDFs

Rishabh Sethi


Feb 04, 2025

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OMET Exams Syllabus 2025, XAT, MAT, NMAT, SNAP Download PDFs

OMET Syllabus 2025: The CAT is the most challenging and widely acknowledged MBA entrance exam in India. The CAT exam consists of three sections: VARC, QA, and DILR. Over 3 lakh MBA aspirants appear for the CAT every year. Considering the wide acceptability of the CAT, which is increasing every year - it can be said that CAT is the most important MBA exam in India. Checking with the CAT Exam Syllabus will help you understand the sections that are different from OMETs.

However, different exams tests different skills. "OMET" is an umbrella term for Other Management Entrance Tests, which include but aren't limited to - XAT, SNAP, NMAT, MAT etc.

The OMET(s) syllabus covers a wide range of topics intended to assess a students' preparation to pursue an MBA. Significantly, the MBA entrance exam syllabus addresses major aspects of business and management education by conducting an exam that tests a variety of skill sets including quantitative aptitude, verbal ability, logical reasoning, and general awareness.

In this blog, we shall cover some very important OMETs and their syllabus.

OMET Exam Syllabus PDF

Each OMET exam has a different syllabus covering areas like Quantitative Aptitude, Verbal Ability, Logical Reasoning, Data Interpretation, and General Awareness. To help you prepare better, we’ve brought the syllabus for major OMETs like XAT, SNAP, NMAT, and more. You can download the OMET exam syllabus PDFs for detailed topic breakdowns and structure.

Below is the list of OMET exams along with their respective syllabus PDFs for 2024:

XAT Exam Syllabus 2025

Total QuestionsTotal MarksSectionsQuestions per SectionMarking SchemeDuration

Verbal and Logical Ability

Quantitative Ability & Data Interpretation

Decision Making

General Knowledge

Verbal and Logical Ability - 26

Quantitative Ability & Data Interpretation - 28

Decision Making - 22

General Knowledge - 25

+1 Mark for every correct answer

-0.25 for every incorrect answer

-0.10 marks will be deducted for 8 consecutive or more unattempted questions

175 Minutes

The XAT exam can be considered the toughest management exam in India. The XAT is excruciatingly long - 170 minutes - and the VARC portion which is Verbal and Logical Ability is significantly tougher than the CAT. The passages are denser, the questions are tricker and have more variety as compared to the XAT.

The benefit of the XAT is the absence of the DILR section but instead of that we have the Decision Making section which is a nightmare for most students and a piece of cake for others. In a DM section, you are given certain caselets and you have to choose the right course of action to mitigate or solve that problem, as a manager.

The QA section of the XAT is almost equal to the QA section of the CAT, except that the questions are much longer (so as to confuse the aspirants)

Verbal and Logical AbilityDecision MakingQuantitative Ability & Data Interpretation

Fill in the Blanks with Correct Words

Jumbled Paragraphs

Paragraph Completion

Reading Comprehension

Correction of Errors

Vocabulary based questions



Conditions and Grouping


Number System

Modern Math


Data Interpretation


NMAT Exam Syllabus 2025

Total QuestionsTotal MarksSectionsQuestions per SectionMarking SchemeDuration

Language Skills

Quantitative Skills

Logical Reasoning

36 marks eachCorrect: +3, No Negative Marking120 minutes

NMAT exam is a national-level entrance test that is much known for its middle-level difficulty level, where it does justice to a large pool of MBA aspirants. The paper comprises three sections: Language Skills, Quantitative Skills, and Logical Reasoning. Each section has individual timing. The test paper offers infinite chances for the candidate to choose the order of sections in the test paper and score well.

The test is adaptive in nature. NMAT is unique among all the admitted tests, where the computer changes the level of difficulty of the candidate. It allows for a tailored testing experience with lower anxiety, as perceived over other MBA entrance exams—such as CAT or XAT.

One of the prime advantages of NMAT is that it allows candidates more than one testing window and, hence, attempts whereby the score can be bettered. The NMAT also gives you the advantage of deciding your order of attempt. This allows you to focus on your strength and plan accordingly.

Language SkillsQuantitative SkillsLogical Reasoning



RC Passages




Number System

Modern Math


Data Interpretation

Figure based reasoning

Quantitative Reasoning

Coding Decoding

Verbal Reasoning

SNAP Exam Syllabus 2025

Total QuestionsTotal MarksSectionsQuestions per SectionMarking SchemeDuration

General English

Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency

Analytical & Logical Reasoning

General English -15

Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency- 20

Analytical & Logical Reasoning-25

+1 for every correct answer

-0.25 for every incorrect answer

60 minutes

SNAP Exam SNAP stands for Symbiosis National Aptitude Test, which is conducted at a national level by Symbiosis International (Deemed University) as an entrance exam to different MBA programs offered by constituent colleges. The SNAP exam is usually famous for its moderate to high difficulty, especially the Logical Reasoning part, which is said to be highly challenging.

Needless to say, one key takeaway from the SNAP test is that it focuses on both speed and accuracy; at the same time, the SNAP test proper lasts an hour, hence requiring swiftness and precision from the test taker. SNAP scores are accepted only by the 15 Symbiosis Institutes, which are among the top-ranked MBA colleges in India. Also, SNAP allows multiple test attempts, and the best score will be considered for admission, which gives better opportunities to secure a seat in institutes every year.

Quantitative, Data Interpretation & Data SufficiencyGeneral English: Reading Comprehension, Verbal Reasoning, Verbal AbilityAnalytical & Logical Reasoning


Number System

Modern Math


Data Interpretation

Sentence Correction

Synonyms and Antonyms

Jumbled Paragraphs

Fill in the Blanks

Coding - Decoding


Visual Reasoning

Mathematical Reasoning

MAT Exam Syllabus 2025

Total QuestionsTotal MarksSectionsQuestions per SectionMarking SchemeDuration
200200Language Comp., Int. & Critical Reasoning, Data Analysis & Sufficiency, Math Skills, Indian & Global EnvironmentEach Section: 40 marksCorrect: +1, No Negative Marking150 minutes

The Management Aptitude Test (MAT) is a commonly taken entrance test, carried under the aegis of the All India Management Association (AIMA) for degree and allied programs under the domain of management. MAT test is moderate with test items divided into five sections: Language Comprehension, Mathematical Skills, Data Analysis & Sufficiency, Intelligence & Critical Reasoning, and Indian & Global Environment. The test assesses the analytical, reasoning, language abilities, and general awareness of a candidate.

The most useful feature of  MAT exam is its flexibility, whereby the test is conducted four times in a year and in various modes such as internet-based, computer-based, and remote proctored online. The candidates could choose the form that suited them best in terms of convenience. The B-schools in India that accept the MAT scores are many, providing a wide range of opportunities to aspirants. Also, it is the frequency and predictable pattern of the examination that makes it a favorite with candidates aspiring to join management programs.

Language ComprehensionMathematical SkillsData Analysis & SufficiencyIntelligence & Critical ReasoningIndian & Global Environment
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Verbal Reasoning
  • Syllogisms
  • Antonyms and Synonyms
  • Fill in the Blanks
  • Jumbled paragraphs
  • Geometry
  • Trigonometry
  • Arithmetic
  • In-equations
  • Algebra
  • Data Interpretation based on text
  • Graphs and Tables
  • Data Sufficiency
  • Critical Reasoning
  • Visual reasoning
  • Assumption-Premise-Conclusion
  • Assertion and reasons
  • Statements and assumptions
  • Identifying valid interferences
  • Current Affairs
  • Business
  • Major corporate events
  • Famous awards and prizes
  • World Records
  • Science
  • History
  • Geography
  • International organisations

CMAT Exam Syllabus 2025

Total QuestionsTotal MarksSectionsQuestions per SectionMarking SchemeDuration
100400Quant. Techniques & Data Interpretation, Logical Reasoning, Language Comp., General Awareness, Innovation & EntrepreneurshipEach Section: 20 marksCorrect: +4, Incorrect: -1180 minutes

CMAT Exam is a national-level entrance test that is conducted by the National Testing Agency, commonly known as NTA. The CMAT score allows admissions in Management Institutes offering MBA and PGDM programs. Being at a moderate level of difficulty, the test is well-known among candidates for the large number of applicants it receives. CMAT is segregated into five sections: Quantitative Techniques & Data Interpretation, Logical Reasoning, Language Comprehension, General Awareness, and Innovation & Entrepreneurship. Each section carries equal weightage, testing a candidate's analytical, verbal, and general knowledge skills.

The score obtained via CMAT allows a candidate the opportunity to participate in being accepted by more than 1,000 AICTE-approved institutions across India, hence giving wider exposure to management education. Added to this, since it is held in one test window, it makes the admission process less cumbersome for many students.

Quantitative Techniques & Data InterpretationLogical ReasoningLanguage ComprehensionGeneral AwarenessInnovation & Entrepreneurship
  • Algebra
  • Time-Speed-Distance
  • Alligation & Mixtures
  • Geometry
  • Graphs
  • Quadratic and Linear Equations
  • Analytical Reasoning
  • Linear Arrangements
  • Number Series
  • Matrix Arrangements
  • Blood Relationship Tests
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Grammar
  • English Usage Errors
  • Parajumbles
  • Economy
  • Business
  • World
  • Politics
  • Sports
  • Culture
  • Society
Questions related to innovation, entrepreneurship and start up business

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