MDI Gurgaon Interview Experience by B Tech CSE Fresher
#B Tech CSE Fresher-
2 professors 1F, 1M
Professor F(very sweet and made the environment comfortable )
Q1) Please introduce yourself.
Ans- Told
Q2) Why didn’t you sit for placements and came for an MBA?
Ans- Told how I was clear with my vision of doing an MBA and how I didn’t want to hav…
MDI Gurgaon Interview Experience by EEE
#EEE #2+ yrs of Work Exp
Panelist ( 1F(Senior professor),1M( 30s or 40s may be))
P1- 1F, P2-1M
P1- Sushanto, Where are you speaking from ?
Told, Bangalore
P1- Do you work there?
Yes, i am working for Alstom as an Interlocking Application Engineer for UK mainline signaliing projects from past …
MDI Gurgaon Interview Experience by Chemical Engineer Fresher Male
Male Fresher Chemical Engineer
Two panel - mid 40s and mid 30s
1. Tell me something about yourself
2. You mentioned NSS in the form. Tell me about your experience there.
3. Why do we need management in this century?
4. Do we need management to manufacture things?
5. What did you do in th…
MDI Gurgaon Interview Experience by BBA Non-Engineer Fresher (Male)
#Non-Engineer(BBA), Male, Fresher
2 Panelists- 1 Male and 1 Female
Initial Greetings
P1- Where are you logging in from?
P1- What is happening in New Delhi right now? (Union Budget)
P1- Tell us about yourself then we will come to the budget part
P1- So, right now you're in BBA Final Year a…
MDI Gurgaon Interview Experience by GEM Fresher
#GEM [Fresher - Gap of 2 yrs]
Q- So tell us about your background and workex if any
Q- Why very low % in 12th?
Q- If you are working with you uncle in a business then why don't you carry on that and try to expand, why mba?
Q- Do you remember anything from engineering?
Q- Subjects that you …