IIM Bangalore Interview Experience by GEM-Mechanical (IIT-B)
2M, 1F
M1: You seem to be having fun with the discussion outside. What were you discussing about?
M1: Tell me what question from us would stress you
M1: Don't worry about workex, we know how people will be in 7 months,
M1: Okay we won't ask about these
F1: You are working...no..you resigned in 2020,…
IIM Bangalore Interview Experience by B.Tech (Fresher) Naval Architecture and Shipbuilding
3 Panelists
M1 :50+ M2: 40+ M3: 30+
Time: 25 mins
M1: So tell me about your course & why you chose it? How many students in your batch.
Told them bout the sub, its scope and how my batch has 28 civilians and 15 cadets from Indian Navy.
M1: what're the cadets doing here. Explain the process.
IIM Bangalore Interview Experience by GEM
WAT Topic: While ecotourism brings advantages to local communities, it also has detrimental effects on the environment, particularly in sensitive areas. Discuss potential reforms to address these environmental impacts.
Two panelists, 2M
P1(around 40), probably Alum
P2(55+), professor
I was wearing a …
IIM Bangalore Interview Experience by B Tech (Mechanical Engineering)
M1- Male professor in mid 40s.
F1 - Female professor
M1 - Did you have your lunch? How long did it take to come here from your home?
F1 - So you did your B Tech in Mechanical but you had work ex in Finance. Why did you change your domain?
M1 - Which is the most successful sport in India?
- I mention…
IIM Bangalore Interview Experience by Business Analytics
Three panelists M1, M2, and F3
M1: Where are you working currently
M1: Briefly explain your daily tasks at work
M1: What tech do you work on
M1: Picked one ML project at work I mentioned and asked to elaborate
M1: Do you know about X in Python (Can't remember what exactly X was, told I had never heard o…
IIM Bangalore Interview Experience by CSE Fresher
WAT - Discuss about social media and social media influencers and how they need to be updated with all the trends and growth in the industry, also take into consideration the negative aspects as well.
Panel (2 M and 1 F): M1 Faculty - Finance and Accounting, M2- Most probably alumni as I couldn’t…
IIM Bangalore Interview Experience by B.Com Fresher
3 panelits: 2M 1F
WAT : It was about a survey indicating about over dependance and over prescription of antibiotics to indians, which is leading to development of anti drug resistant pathogens, what all suggestions will be there to rein the situation along eith specifying its dangerous implications.…
IIM Bangalore Interview Experience by Bcom + CA
3 panellists. Pleasantries were exchanged.
P1: what have you been doing since you cleared your CA exams (said that I wrote in July, completed Articleship in August, results were announced in September. Attended campus placements by the CA institute but declined the offers I got for an MBA and have b…
IIM Bangalore Interview Experience by B.Com
WAT: Discuss the rapid transformation of the Indian Wedding Ecosystem due to movies, celeb weddings and better access to technology. (Single sheet, 10 minutes to think, 20 to write)
Interview: Panel 1
M1(Finance), M2(Strategy)
Duration: 28 minutes
M1: Is it different from xx?
A: Yes, based on 5th Sikh …