IIM Ahmedabad Interview Experiences

IIM Ahmedabad Interview Experience by B.Com student


AWT: Pandemic has made Online Education the norm. Benefits include better access and parity, making masses more tech savvy, and AI,VR,etc. enhancing the learning experience. Thus, colleges should hasten the transition to online education due to it rendering traditional classroom lectures useless.(2…

IIM Ahmedabad Interview Experience by Non - Engineer student


2 male profs

The interview started with P1 apologising for mispronouncing my name earlier, and he asked me to sit down

P1- So, I see you have been working, can you tell me something about your work? What exactly do you do

- told, explained a little about the company (it's a reputed education services…

IIM Ahmedabad Interview Experience by Engineer student


AWT - Farmers are committing suicide due to the inability to repay loans and a solution was proposed for this many millenia ago, how do you agree or diagree to the proposal and what else required for it etc.,.

Interview - P1 : 1 male 50+, P2: 1 Female 40+


1. Asked how to pronounce my name an…

IIM Ahmedabad Interview Experience by BBA Fresher student


AWT: Regarding tech layoffs of around 1200/12000 employees due to the economic downturn and statements made by a second-year management student 'Peter' trying to reason.


P1: Jeevant Rampal

P2: Neharika Vohra


-Tell me about yourself(I started my introduction)

-No, not your background o…

IIM Ahmedabad Interview Experience by BA and MA English student


AWT - Farmers are committing suicide due to the inability to repay loans and a solution was proposed for this many millenia ago, how do you agree or diagree to the proposal and what else required for it etc.,.

Interview - P1 : 1 male 50+, P2: 1 Female 40+


1. Asked how to pronounce my name and whic…