AP SI Prelims Question Paper 2018 PDF with Answer key & Selection Procedure

AP Police prelims Answer Key with Questions paper PDF 2018
AP Police prelims Answer Key with Questions paper PDF 2018

AP SI Prelims Question paper 2018 PDF:

AP SI Prelims 2018 Answer key for the exam conducted on 16th December 2018.

The Paper-I and Paper-II Question Paper each were given in 4 different sets with same questions but in a jumbled way. The options were in same order and were not jumbled compared to each set.

The both preliminary exam papers (paper-1 and paper-2) were for 3 hours and each Question carried 1 mark. There were no negative marks. Paper-I was conducted in the morning and paper-II in the afternoon.

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AP SI 2018 Question paper:

The Question paper we have released is for the Set-C in the morning and Set-A in the afternoon.

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The questions are same for each of the sets, except they are jumbled.

AP SI Answer key 2018:

The official answer key was released in APSLPRB website (slprb.ap.gov.in). We have provided question paper along with the official answer key.

Paper-I (Set-C) & Paper-II (Set-A)

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AP SI 2018 Selection Procedure:

The minimum marks to get to qualify for the prelims Written Test in both the papers is:

  • 40% – General
  • 35% – BC
  • 30% – SC/ST/Ex-servicemen.

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AP State Govt Jobs

AP SI Vacancies:

Name of the post No. of Vacancies
Sub Inspectors of Police (Civil) (Men &Women) (SCT) 150
Reserve Sub Inspectors of Police (AR) (Men & Women) (SCT) 75
Reserve Sub Inspectors of Police (AI5P) (Men) (SCT) 75
Deputy Jailors (Men) 10
Deputy Jailors (Women) 4
Station Fire Officers in A.P. 20
Total 334

*SCT – Stipendiary Cadet Trainee

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Further Rounds for AP Police SI Selection:

A large number of people have applied and wrote this prelims exam and there will be a shortlisting based on the prelims exam score, to the next rounds of

  • Physical Measurements Test (PMT)
  • Physical Efficiency Test (PET)
  • Final Written exam

The marks obtained in the prelims are only for qualifying for next rounds and will not be considered for the final rounds of AP SI Selections.

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The PMT and PET Test Requirements:

PMT: (Physical Measurement Test)

The documents to be brought for PMT are:

  1. Secondary School / Matriculation certificate or equivalent certificate in
    support of the date of birth.
  2. Education Qualification certificate based on their eligibility of the post they applied.
  3. BC/SC/ST candidates who wish to claim concession in age and also reservation
    specified for the Backward Classes should submit the Community certificate
    and the certificate(s) must have been issued by the competent revenue
    authority not below the rank of Mandal Revenue Officer or equivalent
  4. Study certificate issued by the school authorities or  or Residence certificate
    issued by M.R.O.
  5. For Aboriginal Tribes only (Residence certificate in the agency area)
  6. For candidates who worked in Services like Army, Navy, Ex-Servicemen or meritorious games and sports quota should also bring their relevant certificates.

The Official and Certificate formats are given in the official notification PDF.

PMT For the posts of (Stipendiary Cadet Trainee (SCT)):

SI Civil Police (Men &Women) in Police Department, Reserve SI Police (AR), Reserve Police SI (APSP), AP Fire and Emergency Department.


Height: Must not be less than 167.6 centimeters.
Chest: Must not be less than 86.3 centimetres round the chest on full inspiration with a minimum expansion of 5 centimetres.


a) Height: Must not be less than 152.5 centimeters.
b) Weight: Must not be less than 40 Kgs

Special Exemption:

For ST and Aboriginal Tribal candidates in the Agency areas of Srikakulam, Vizianagaram,
Visakhapatnam, East Godavari and West Godavari districts should meet the following:

a) Height: Must not be less than 160 centimeters.
b) Chest: Must not be less than 80 centimetres round the chest on full inspiration with a minimum expansion of 3 centimetres.

a) Height: Must not be less than 150 centimeters.
b)Weight: Must not be less than 38 Kgs.

PMT For the posts of Deputy Jailors (Men):

a) Height: Must not be less than 168 centimeters.
b) Chest: Must not be less than 87 centimetres round the chest on
full inspiration with a minimum expansion of 5 centimetres.

Special Exemption:

For ST and Aboriginal Tribal candidates in the Agency areas of Srikakulam, Vizianagaram,
Visakhapatnam, East Godavari and West Godavari districts should meet the following:

a) Height: Must not be less than 164 centimeters’
b) Chest: Must not be less than 83 centimeters round the chest on full inspiration with a minimum expansion of 5 centimeters.

PMT For the posts of Deputy Jailors (Women):

a) Height: Must not be less than 153 centimeters
b) Weight: Must not be less than 45.5 kgs

Physical Efficiency Test (PET):

Candidates who qualified in PMT only will be allowed for PET Test.

PET For the posts of SI Civil Police, Deputy Jailors (Men), Deputy Jailors (Women), Station Fire Officers in A.P.:

Candiates definitely need to qualify in the 1600 mts run and also have to qualify in at least one test among 100 mts run and Long jump.

Type of tests Men Women Ex-Servicemen
100 meters run 15 seconds 18 Seconds 16.5 seconds
Long iump 3.80 mtrs 2.75 Mtrs 3.65 mtrs.
1600 meters run 8 Minutes 10 Minutes 30 Sec 9 Minutes 30 Sec


PET For the posts of Reserve SI Police AR and APSP:

Must Qualify in all the 3 events. There will be a total of 100 marks.

Test Type  Men Women Ex-Servicemen Marks
 100 meters run  15 seconds  18 Seconds  16.5 seconds 30
Long jump 3.80 mtrs  2.75 Mtrs  3.65 mtrs 30
1600 meters run 8 Minutes 10 Minutes 30 Sec 9 Minutes 30 Sec 40

Final Written Exam:

AP SI Civil/Dy. Jailor/Station fire officer Exam Pattern:

Paper Subject Max. marks
Paper-I English 100
Paper-II Telugu 100
Paper-III Arithmetic & Reasoning (Objective Test) 200
Paper-IV General Studies (Objective Test) 200


Paper Subject Max. marks
Paper-I English 100
Paper-II Telugu 100
Paper-III Arithmetic & Reasoning (Objective Test) 100
Paper-IV General Studies (Objective Test) 100

i) The minimum marks to be secured by a candidates in order to qualify in the
written examination in each paper is 40% for OCs; 35% for BCs; and 30% for
SCs/STs and Ex. Servicemen.
ii) Papers I and II are only qualifying in nature. The cases of the candidates who
do not secure the minimum qualifying marks in these papers i.e., papers I and II,
will not be considered further in the selection process irrespective of their
performance in papers III & IV. The marks secured in these papers i.e., papers I and
II will not be taken into account for final selection.

The questions will be both of objective (multiple choice questions) and Subjective type in the paper-I and paper-II

iii)Questions in Papers III and IV will be objective in nature and will be set in
English, Telugu and Urdu languages.

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AP SI Final Selection Procedure:

Local candidates should enclose the required Study certificates (from VII class to X class
(or) from IV class to X class, in case he/she is not studied from VII class to X class in
one particular district).

For the posts of AP Civil SI and Station Fire Officers in A.P:

The final selection will be based on their score in the written examination out of a maximum of 400 marks (papers III and IV).

The first 30% of posts should be filled following combined merit list of locals and nonlocals and thereafter, the remaining 70% of the posts shall be filled up by locals only.

For Reserve Sub Inspectors of Police (AR) (Men & Women):

The final selection of the candidates based on their score in the final written examination Paper- III (100 Marks), Paper-IV (100 Marks), a total of 200 marks and Physical Efficiency Test (for 100 marks) totaling to 300 marks.

The first 30% of posts should be filled following combined merit list of locals and nonlocals and thereafter, the remaining 70% of the posts shall be filled up by locals only.

For Reserve Sub Inspectors of Police (APSP) (Men):

The final selection of the candidates based on their score in the final written examination Paper- III (100 Marks), Paper-IV (100 Marks), a total of 200 marks and Physical Efficiency Test (for 100 marks) totaling to 300 marks.

No Reservation for local Candidates.

Deputy Jailors (Men) and Deputy Jailors (Women):

The final selection will be strictly on relative merit of the candidates in each
category, as obtained by them based on their score in the written examination out of
a maximum of 400 marks (papers III and IV)

Reservation of local candidates not applicable.


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