Question 81

Find the value of '$$m$$' if $$2x^m + x^3 - 3x^2 - 26$$ leaves a remainder of 994 when it is divided by $$x - 2$$.


$$2x^m + x^3 - 3x^2 - 26$$

$$Let f(x) = 2x^m + x^3 - 3x^2 - 26$$

When its divided with by (x-2), it leaves a remainder of f(2)

So f(2) = $$2\times(2)^m + 2^3 - 3\times2^2 - 26$$

=$$ 2^{m+1} + 8 - 12 - 26$$

=$$ 2^{m+1} - 30$$

which is equal to 994

$$ 2^{m+1} - 30 = 994$$

$$ 2^{m+1} = 1024$$

$$ 2^{m+1} = 2^{10}$$


$$m = 9$$

Option D is correct.

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