
Five friends A,B,C,D,E have different heights and different weights. D is taller than only E. Only one person is taller than B and only one person is heavier than E.If five persons are arranged in a row from heaviest to lightest, then C lies in the middle.A is taller than C. D is heavier than A who is not the lightest among five friends.

Question 39

Who is the heaviest person the five.


We will arrange 5 persons in a row from heaviest to the lightest
Since only one person is heavier than E, E occupies the second position. When arranged from heaviest to the lightest, C occupies middle position. This implies that C is at third position. Since D is heavier than A and A is not the lightest, D lies in first position , A lies in fourth position and B lies in 5th position.

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