
In each of these questions a set of 3 or 4 sentences which convey an idea is given. Of these, on or two is/are suppressed. To fill up the spaces of the suppressed sentence(s) two possible fillers as (A) and (B) are given. Find out which one, two or none can fill up the space of the suppressed sentence(s) to make the paragraph meaningful and mark your answer accordingly.
Caution : While making your answer please also consider the sequence of the sentences if both the sentence are required to fill up the spaces.

Question 161

As far as aircraft maintenance procedure are concerned, they are rigorous. (.....). Such cases may end-up in disastrous results, though exceptionally.
A. All problems are immediately corrected on almost every occasion.
B. Only due to urgency or want of aircraft for substitution, certain ones are overlooked.

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