Question 159

A sum of money is divided among A, B, C and D in the ratio of 4 : 6 : 11 : 13 respectively, 1 the share of C is Rs. 7854, then what is the total amount of money of B and D together ?


Let the total amount to be divided = $$34x$$

A : B : C : D = 4 : 6 : 11 : 13

=> Share of C = $$\frac{11}{34} * 34x = 7854$$

=> $$x = \frac{7854}{11} = 714$$

Now, total amount of money with B & D together

= $$\frac{6 + 13}{34} * 34x$$

= $$19 * 714 = $$Rs. $$13,566$$

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