SSC Stenographer 8th Feb 2019 Shift-II


For the following questions answer them individually

Question 181

Select the correct indirect form of the given sentence.
"I am not happy about the announcement," Bob Tilman said.

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Question 182

Given below are four sentences, three of which, are jumbled. Pick the option that gives the comet order.
A. Jainshed ji Tata was born in 1839 in a traditional Parsi family.
B. Then worked in trading for some years in China and UK.
C. He was a great believer in technology and revolutionized the Tata Textile Mills.
D. He started his career as an apprentice in his father's store.

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Question 183

Select the most appropriate meaning of the idiom given below:
Straight from the horse's mouth

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Question 184

Given below are four sentences, three of which, are jumbled. Pick the option that gives the correct order.
A. The Quilt Minar is one of the most important monuments in Delhi.
B. Was it just built by a king to please himself or is there a reason behind its construction?
C. It towers over the city like a sentinel.
D. But if we look at its height, one wonders why it was built.

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Read the following passage and answer the questions.

Where is this going?' That is the question at the heart of River of Life, River of Death, as author Victor Mallet travels the length of the Ganges. Beginning at its ice cave source in the Himalayan foothills. he follows the water through the holy confluence at Allahabad. the spindly banks of Varanasi city and onwards to the delta in Bangladesh. where 'in its parting gift to the land. the river spews millions of tons of fertile silt on to the rice fields of Bengal and the mangroves of the Sundarbans.'
It is the same question he asks about the treatment of the Ganges. both good and bad. The river leads a double life. being the most worshipped waterway in the world and also one of the most polluted. The Ganges and its tributaries are now subject to sewage pollution that is 'half a million times over the Indian recommended limit for bathing' in places. not to mention the unchecked runoff from heavy metals, fertilizers. carcinogens and the occasional corpse.
As Mallet observes. the danger of contamination does not put off the millions of revellers at Kuinbh Mela. It is a Hindu pilgrimage 'thought to be the largest gathering of people anywhere'. described to him as 'a spiritual expo... where you will be talking one moment to a visiting Mumbai businessman and the next to a marijuana-stoned yogi. He suggests the pollution might never deter them. He is told by one bather: 'we do believe that anyone who takes in this water. he becomes pure also. because it is always pure.' There is a collective sense that the spirit of the Ganges is so sacred that she can never be spoiled.
He informs the reader in the preface โ€” 'almost everyone knows the problems are real'. His journey down the Ganges is one of investigation rather than discovery. Mallet investigates the potential of the river to become a cradle for antibiotic-resistant infections โ€” or superbugs' โ€” that could be exported to other regions by global travel. He points out that some 450 million people depend on the Ganges water basin for survival, and many more for its religious and cultural importance. The Ganges is a goddess and a mother to everyone from the politician in the north, to the humblest Hindu living in the far south or running a motel in the United States.
There is hope. Mallet draws some parallels to clean-ups of the Rhine and the Thames. He points to the design feat of Ktunbh Mela, which as 'a pop-up megacity' for two million pilgrims has better infrastructure and waste treatment than many Indian cities. 'In the minds of both Indians and foreigners. this raises important questions... if the authorities can build infrastructure so efficiently for this short but very large festival why can they not do the same for permanent villages and towns?'

Question 185

Which ONE of the options fills in the blank and completes the statement below correctly?
The average believer is of the faith-driven conviction that the river Ganges

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Question 186

Which ONE of the options fills in the blank and completes the statement below correctly?
The Ganges is a mother to the devout Hindu; however, it is to the non-Hindu Indian ...... and .........

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Question 187

Which ONE of the options faithfully sums up the 7 main ideas of the passage?

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Question 188

Which ONE of the options fills in the blank and completes the statement below correctly?
The river Ganges is "the most worshipped waterway in the world and also one of the most polluted" This brings to light, in reality, .........

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Question 189

Which ONE of the statements below is FALSE?

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In the following passage some words have been deleted. Fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives given.

In literature, a tragedy is a plot in which the 'hero', because of some inherent flaw in his/her character, dies. Thus Hamlet, Julius Caesar and Romeo and Juliet are tragedies. In each of these plays the ..........(1) is either a great man or a man of great ...........(2) instead of fulfilling his ............(3) however, each one succumbs to his tragic flaw and .............(4) dies. Caesar's flaw is ambition, Hamlet's is the inability to take action, and Romeo's is his tendency to love too much. It might seem, from this highly .............(5) definition, that character and resolution are the keys to a tragedy. But tragedy also ..............(6) a central action, a crisis which tests that flawed part of the protagonist's ............(7) In Julius Caesar, the test comes when Mark Antony presents Caesar with the crown. Hamlet's test comes in the chapel, after witnessing his uncle's reaction to the play. Mercutio's death tests Romeo. In all three cases the protagonists are found ..........(8) Caesar accepts the crown after refusing it twice; Hamlet sheaths his sword instead of executing Claudius; Romeo murders Tybalt in a vengeful rage. ..........(9) the test, the flaw might never ............(10).

Question 190

Select the most appropriate option to fill blank no 1.

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