SSC MTS 2021 Question Paper Shift 3 (Oct 11th)


For the following questions answer them individually

Question 51

What will be the compound interest on a sum of ₹22,500 at the rate of 16% per annum for 1 year. when interest is compounded half yearly?

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Question 52

11 men can complete a painting work in 8 days. However, 16 women can complete the same painting work in 12 days. 8 men started painting the house. After 6 days of painting. 1 men were replaced by 4 women. Now how many days will they take to complete the remaining painting'?

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Question 53

An almirah was sold at a profit of 15%. If its cost bad been 5% less and it had been sold for ₹1,470 less, then the profit would have been 10%. What is the cost price of the almirah?

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Question 54

The year-wise student enrollment of two schools over a period of 5 years has been presented in the following bar graph.

In which year is the difference of enrollment in the two schools, the least?

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Question 55

The simplified value of $$\frac{119[48\div6-7\left\{5\times12\div3-(15-\overline{3-8})\right\}]}{24\div3-9 \ of \ 3+(52-\overline{8-4})\div6}$$

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Question 56

A wire is in the form of a square of side 33 cm. If the wire is molded to form a circle, then what is the radius of the circle?
(Use $$\pi=\frac{22}{7}$$)

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Question 57

From a wooden cubical block of side 10 cm, a sphere of radius 4.2 cm is carved out. How much wood is wasted in the process?
(Use $$\pi=\frac{22}{7}$$)

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Question 58

The product of two positive numbers is 1344 and their ratio is 7: 12. The smaller of these numbers is:

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Question 59

Two dealers offer an item at the same marked price ₹3,000. The first, dealer allows successive discounts of 10% and 15%. The other dealer allows successive discounts of 20% and 5%. Find the difference in the selling price of the item under the two offers.

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Question 60

A bus moves from station A towards station B, which is at a distance of 189 km. An hour later, a car, the ratio of whose speed with the bus is 3 : 2, starts from station A and moves towards station B . Find the speed of the bus (in km/hr), if the car arrives at station B half an hour earlier than the bus.

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