SSC GD 8th Feb 2023 Shift 1


For the following questions answer them individually

Question 51

A government servant spends 76% of his income. If his income is increased by 14%, and his expenditure is increased by 10%, then find the percentage increase in his savings. (Correct to 2 decimal places)

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Question 52

What is the rate of compound interest per annum if a sum becomes $$\frac{64}{27}$$ times in 3 years?

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Question 53

The value of a motorbike depreciates by 10% per annum. What will be the value of the motorbike after 36 months, if its current value is Rs.1,00,000?

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Question 54

If three solid spheres of metal whose radii are 1cm, 6 cm and 8 cm are melted to form another solid sphere, then the surface area of new sphere (in cm$$^2$$) is:

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Question 55

If $$36 \div 2 + y \times 3 - 22 = 8$$, then find the value of y.

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Question 56

What is the largest number which can divide 187, 233 and 279, leaving the same remainder in each case?

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Question 57

The length of a train is 150 metres. In 3 seconds, it passes a man travelling at 2 km/h in the same direction as the train. Determine the train's speed.

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Question 58

There was 20% discount on VIP bags. Anupam bought a bag. He also got an additional 8% discount for paying cash. If he paid ₹2,208, then what was the price tag on the bag?

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Question 59

Two trains of lengths 257.5 m and 272.5 m, travelling in opposite directions crossed each other in 15.9 sec. What is their approximate combined speed per hour?

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Question 60

Rakhi sold a TV to Sujata at a profit of 10%. Urmila sold that TV to Rakhi at a profit of 20%. How much did Sujata pay to buy the TV if the cost price for Urmila was Rs.50,000?

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