SSC GD 24th Nov 2021 Shift-2


For the following questions answer them individually

Question 51

In a toy factmy , a worker can assemble a toy in 5 minmes. If, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., 1248 toys are to be assembled, then how many workers should be employed?

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Question 52

A dealer sold an article at a loss of 8%. Had he sold it for ₹72 more, he would have gained 16%. The cost price of the article was:

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Question 53

If the simple interest on a certain sum of money for 15 months at 9.6% per annum exceeds the simple interest on the same sum for 8 months at 11.4% by ₹1,320, then the sum is:

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Question 54

Two students A and B appeared in a class test. B scored 40% of the sum total of their marks, which is 7 less than the marks of A. How many marks did B score?

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Question 55

The LCM and HCF of two numbers are 25 and 150, respectively. If one of the numbers is 50, then what is the sum of the two numbers?

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Question 56

A shopkeeper buys a computer table for ₹5,500. What should be the marked price of the computer table such that evenafter allowing a 10% discount, he gains ₹1,070?

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Question 57

Two solutions A and B of acid and water contain acid and water in the ratio 7 : 9 and 5 : 3, respectively. A and B are mixed in the ratio $$x$$ : y. If the ratio of acid and water in the resulting solution is 9 : 7, then $$x$$ : y is:

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Question 58

The price of a commodity has increased by 20%. The Gupta family reframed their monthly budget and plans to spend 8% more money on that partcular commodity. By what percentage should they reduce its consumption so as to manage with the increased amount of money?

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Question 59

A student, walking at a speed of 5 km/h, took 50 minutes, but reached the school 10 minutes later than the scheduled time. To reach school on time, the speed of the student should be:

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Question 60

If 62% of a number is equal to three-fifth of another number, then what is the ratio of the first number to the second number?

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