SSC GD 24th Feb 2024 Shift 2


For the following questions answer them individually

Question 11

Pointing towards a picture of a man, Rakhi said. "He is the brother of my son's mother. How man is related to Rakhi?

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Question 12

In a certain code language, if BOTTLE is coded as CNUUMD, GLASS is coded as HMZTT, then what will MIRROR be coded as?

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Question 13

Select the figure that will replace the question mark (?) in the following figure series.


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Question 14

Select the option that is related to the third word in the same way as the second word is related to the first word.

Penguin : Chick :: Duck : ?

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Question 15

If a mirror is placed on the line AB, then out of the option figures which figure will be the right image of the question figure?


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Question 16

A series is given with one term missing. Select the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series.

QV, TO, MR, PK, ?

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Question 17

From the given option figures, select the one in which the question figure is hidden/embedded, (rotation is not allowed)


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Question 18

Five friends Pooja, Bhawna, Charu, Geeta and Hema are sitting around circular table facing towards the centre. Charu is not the immediate neighbour of Bhawna. Bhawna is second to the left of Hema. Geeta is the immediate neighbour of Bhawna and Hema. Who is sitting to the immediate left of Charu?

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Question 19

Which of the following letter-number cluster will replace the blank (______) in the given series?
IDG, _________ , EZC, CXA, AVY, YTW

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Question 20

In a certain code language. 'FIELD' is coded as '41'. 'WONDER' is coded as '84'. What is the code for 'SKILL' in that code language?

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