SSC GD 22nd Feb 2024 Shift 2


For the following questions answer them individually

Question 51

On a sum simple interest at the annual rate of 10 percent for 8 years is Rs. 8000. What will be the compound interest on the same sum at the annual rate of 10 percent (compounding annually) for 3 years?

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Question 52

Rakesh, Mahesh and Puneesh together car, make a chair in 20 minutes. Rakesh and Mahesh together can make it in 25 minutes. How much time will Puneesh alone take to make that chair?

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Question 53

Manish alone can complete a work in 48 days and Pratap alone can complete the same work in half of the time taken by Manish. In bow many days will both together complete 1/4 part of the total work?

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Question 54

In a class, 40 percent are boys and the number of girls are 54. What is the number of boys in the class?

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Question 55

The sum of the three numbers is 123. If the ratio between the first and second is 3 : 4 and that between the second and third is 3: 5, then find the second number.

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Question 56

A person bought, some pens at the rate of 20 for a rupee and sold them at the rate of 15 for a rupee. What is the profit percentage?

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Question 57

The average of marks obtained by S1 and S2 is 35 more than the overage of marks obtained by S2 and S3. If the marks obtained by S3 is 75, then what are the marks obtained by S1?

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Question 58

A person bought an article and sold it at a loss of 20 percent. If he had bought it for 30 percent less price and sold it for Rs. 125 more, then he would earn a profit of 50 percent. What is we cost price of the article

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Question 59

What is the value of $$42 \times 3 + 25 \times 3 - 14 + 7 \times 5$$?

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Question 60

marked price and selling price of an article are Rs. 7600 mid Rs. 6688 respectively. What is the discount percentage?

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