SSC GD 2nd Dec 2021 Shift-2


For the following questions answer them individually

Question 51

Ramesh invested 30% more than Suresh. Suresh invested 40% less than Arun who invested ₹8,000. Find the difference in the amounts (in ₹) invested by Ramesh and Suresh.

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Question 52

The average of eight consecutive even numbers is 65. If the next four consecutive even numbers are included, then what is the average of all the numbers?

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Question 53

The area of a square inscribed in a circle, whose diagonal is 16 cm, is:

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Question 54

10 women can complete a work in 15 days. The same work can be completed in 5 days by 15 men. 10 women started the work and after 3 days, 5 men replaced 5 women. In how many days will the work be completed?

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Question 55

A person invested a certain sum at a rate of 5% per annum on simple interest (SI) for 2 years, while another person invested the same sum for the same period at a compound interest rate of 4% per annum. The interest at the SI rate is ₹184.00 more than that at the compound interest rate. The sum invested is:

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Question 56

The expenditure of Renu is 120% more than her savings. If her income and expenditure increase by 25% and 30%, respectively, then her savings increase by:

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Question 57

The value of $$\left[\left(102 - 16 \div\right) - 2\right] \div \left[3 + 6 \times \left(5+4\right) \div 3 - 7\right]$$ is:

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Question 58

Four birds A, B, C, D fly along the circumference of a jungle. They complete one round in 27 minutes. 30 minutes, 45 minutes and 60 minutes, respectively. Since they start together, when will they meet again (in hours) at the starting position?

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Question 59

Simplify the expression $$\frac{21+\left(-18\right) \times 2\left[-4 + 15 \left\{5\div \left(4-7\right)\right\} \div 4 \left(-4\right)\right]}{\left(-14\right) \times \left(2\right) + 7}$$

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Question 60

A man can row at 9 km/h in still water. It takes him equal time to go 33 km downstream and to go 21 km upstream. Find
the speed of the stream (in km/h).

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