SSC GD 18th Nov 2021 Shift-2


For the following questions answer them individually

Question 51

A can complete $$\frac{2}{3}$$ of a work in 10 days and B can complete $$\frac{4}{5}$$ of the same work in 8 days. They work together for 5 days. The remaining work is completed by alone in 6 days. In how many days C alone can complere 75% of the same work?

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Question 52

An electric heater was sold at a profit of 12%. If its cost had been 5% less and it had been sold for ₹180 less, the profit would have been 10%. What is the cost price of the electric heater?

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Question 53

Tue price of sugar rises by 33%. By what percent should a family reduce the consumption of sugar, so as NOT to
increase the expenditure?

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Question 54

A cistern has a leak which would empty it in 6 hours. A cap is turned on which admits 10 litres of water per minute into
the cistern. When it is full it now emptied in 10 hours. What is the capacity (in litres) of the cistern?

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Question 55

Two ropes, one 8 m long and the other 14 m long are to be cut into pieces of the same length. What will the maximum possible length of each piece be?

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Question 56

If the radius and the height of a circular cylinder are 10 cm and 15 cm, respectively, and the radius of a sphere is 5 cm, then what is the ratio of the curved surface area of the cylinder to that of the sphere?

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Question 57

The capacities of two hemispherical vessels are 2.7 litres and 12.5 litres. Find the ratio of the areas of the inner curved surfaces of the vessels.

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Question 58

The ratio of the number of girls and boys in a school is 8 : 7. If the percentage increase in the number of girls and boys is 10% and 20%, respectively. what will be the new ratio?

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Question 59

When 55 is subtracted from a number, it reduces to its 80%. Find four-fifth of the original number.

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Question 60

A shopkeeper bought 60 kg of rice at ₹42 per kg and mixed it with 120 kg rice at ₹52 per kg. At what rate (₹ per kg) should he sell the mixture to gain 20%?

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