SSC CPO 3rd Oct 2023 Shift 3


For the following questions answer them individually

Question 111

Ramesh borrowed some money at rate of 5% per annum for the first four years, 8% per annum for the next six years, and 12% per annum for the period beyond ten years. If the total interest paid by him at the end of twelve years is ₹9,016, then find the money borrowed by Ramesh.

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Question 112

The area of an equilateral triangle is $$4\sqrt{3}  cm^{2}$$. Find the side (in cm) of the triangle.

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Question 113

The following table shows the percentage of students passing out of four colleges (A,B,C and D) over four years. Study the table and answer the question that follows.


In which college is the average percentage of passing students over the given four years the least?

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Question 114

The average weight of 15 people increases by 3.2 kg when a new person comes in place of one of them weighing 52 kg. The weight of the new person is:

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Question 115

Study the given graph and answer the following question.
Number of boys and girls students in each section.


The number of boy students in section B is approximately what percentage of the number of girl students in section E?

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Question 116

$$x (5 - \frac{2}{x}) = \frac{5}{x}$$, then the value of $$x^{2} + \frac{1}{x^{2}}$$ is:

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Question 117

The length and the breadth of the floor of a rectangular hall are 126 feet and 90 feet, respectively. What will be the area (in square feet) of each of the largest identical square tiles that can be used to tile this floor in a way that no part of the floor remains uncovered?

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Question 118

Study the given table and answer the question that follows.
The table shows the consumption of food grains per day (in grams) in the given set of following years.


For which food grain consumption was there successive increase over the given set of years?

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Question 119

The LCM of two prime numbers x and y (x > y) is 533. The value of 4y - x is:

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Question 120

If $$A + B = 90^{\circ}$$, then the expression $$\frac{\cot A}{\cot B} + \cos^{2} A + \cos^{2} B$$ is equal to:

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