SSC CPO 3rd Oct 2023 Shift 2


For the following questions answer them individually

Question 41

Which of the following numbers will replace the question mark (?) and complete the given number series?
15, 19 , 21, 25 , 27, ?

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Question 42

Which letter-cluster will replace the question mark (?) to complete the given series?

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Question 43

In a certain code language, 'OIL' is coded as 27 and 'CREAM' is coded as 125. How will 'POWDER' be coded in the same language?

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Question 44

Given below are two statements and two conclusions. Take the statements to be true even if they are at variance with commonly known facts, and decide whether the conclusion(s) follow(s) the given statements.

Some cakes are biscuits.
Some biscuits are chocolates.

I. Some biscuits are cakes.
II. Some cakes are chocolates.

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Question 45

If I denotes โ€˜$$\div$$โ€™, J denotes โ€˜$$\times$$โ€™, K denotes โ€˜$$โˆ’$$โ€™ and L denotes โ€˜$$+$$โ€™, then what will come in place of โ€˜?โ€™ in the following equation?

(35 I 5) J 9 K 23 L 39 K (3 J 8) = ?

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Question 46

Which of the given figures when placed in the $$5^{th}$$ position would continue the series that is established by the first four figures?


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Question 47

A @ B means โ€˜A is the husband of Bโ€™
A & B means โ€˜A is the mother of Bโ€™
A # B means โ€˜A is the daughter of Bโ€™
If Q @ M & Y @ J # R & Z, then how is Y related to Z?

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Question 48

A paper is folded and cut as shown below. How will it appear when unfolded?


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Question 49

Select the option figure which is embedded in the given figure as its part (rotation is NOT allowed).


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Question 50

In a certain code language, โ€˜HIGHLYโ€™ is written as โ€˜GRHYOHโ€™ and 'CLEVER' is written as 'EOCRVV'. How will โ€˜HORRORโ€™ be written in that language?

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