SSC CPO 3rd Oct 2023 Shift 2


For the following questions answer them individually

Question 11

Three different positions of the same dice are shown. Find the number on the face opposite the face showing ‘5’.


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Question 12

In a certain code language, ‘DOING’ is written as ‘BQTOV’ and 'ZEBRA' is written as 'FAAKB'. How will ‘STORM’ be written in that language?

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Question 13

Two statements are given followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. Assuming the statements to be true, even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts, decide which of the conclusions logically follow(s) from the statements.

Some shells are pebbles.
All pebbles are rocks.

I. No shell is a rock.
II. Some shells are rocks.

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Question 14

Select the option figure in which the given figure is embedded (rotation is NOT allowed).


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Question 15

Select the figure that will come next in the following figure series.


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Question 16

Select the correct option that indicates the arrangement of the given words in the order in which they appear in an English dictionary.

1. Formal
2. Foreign
3. Forest
4. Forgotten
5. Forge
6. Forlorn

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Question 17

If A denotes ‘$$+$$’, B denotes ‘$$\times$$’, C denotes ‘$$−$$’, and D denotes ‘$$\div$$’, then what will be the value of the following equation?
13 B 7 A 64 D 4 C 23 = ?

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Question 18

Select the option that represents the letters which, when sequentially placed from left to right in the blanks below, will complete the letter series.
A _ _ D F _ K _ _ F A _ L _ _

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Question 19

Select the correct mirror image of the given combination when the mirror is placed at 'MN' as shown below.


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Question 20

Town Q is to the north of Town P. Town R is to the west of Town Q. Town S is to the north of Town R. Town T is to the east of Town S. What is the position of Town T with respect to Town R? (All positions are arranged in GRID pattern).

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