SSC CGL Tier-2 21-February-2018 English


In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer for the given blank out of the four alternatives.

Silence is much more than the absence of sound; it is the ______ pre-existing entity in which God creates. It is the source to which all words return to ______ true meaning. Silence is the womb of the tangible world. In the Christian Biblical version of Creation, God ‘spoke’ and the world came into being. With the pronouncing of the Word, speech became primary, but silence remained ______. The heart of Christian meditation is to return to this primordial state of being. It is a journey from words into the creative word of God; this word is ______ by silence. By its very nature, silence is ______, often purposeless and for that reason very frightening.

Question 71

silence is ______, often purposeless

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The question below consists of a set of labelled sentences. These sentences, when properly sequenced form a coherent paragraph. Select the most logical order of sentences from among the options.

Question 72

P: The word ‘media’ is derived from the word medium, signifying mode or carrier.
Q: Media is intended to reach and address a large target group or audience.
R: In today’s world, media becomes as essential as our daily needs.
S: The word was first used in respect of books and newspapers i.e. print media and with the advent of technology, media now encompasses television, movies, radio and internet.

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Question 73

P: When you read a book you are focusing your attention on the conceptual ideas in the book.
Q: Self awareness is developed through practices in focusing your attention on the details of your personality and behavior which isn’t learned from reading a book.
R: You can develop an intellectual understanding of the ideas of self awareness from a book, but this is not the same.
S: With your attention in a book you are practicing not paying attention to your own behavior, emotions and personality.

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Question 74

P: Yoga is one of the ancient art forms which was originated in India thousand years ago.
Q: It is the connection of individual Soul to the Divine soul.
R: It is a Sanskrit word derived from Yuj which means to Unite in its ordinary sense.
S: It’s a system of mental and physical discipline which controls the mind and the body.

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Question 75

P: Banks, which garner the lion’s share of retail debt allocations, pegged down their term deposit interest rates with alacrity by 200-250 basis points between 2014 and 2016 as market rates fell.
Q: Indian savers have made a decisive shift from real to financial assets in recent years prompted by policy nudges and sluggish gold and property markets.
R: But they have been tardy in passing on the rate increases of the past year.
S: But while umpteen new equity-linked options have sprung up on their menu - MFs, NPS, market-linked insurance plans - there’s a notable dearth of debt options.

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Question 76

P: Most often, the things in this list are forgotten by us or taken for granted, as we continue to interact with the world on a daily basis.
Q: The gratitude list is a list of those things that we have and that we are grateful for.
R: A simple gratitude list would go thus: I am grateful for being alive, that I have a roof over my head and can afford two square meals, that I have work, that I am earning, that I don’t have any major disease etc.
S: This list is endless, and we can all keep adding our own small or big personal items to the list.

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Question 77

P: Therefore, these are products of the thinking by sages and not products of every man’s nature.
Q: A person’s behaviour evolves through conscious evolution.
R: When a potter pounds the clay and makes a vessel, it is the product of the artisan’s activity, not of his nature.
S: The sages observed activities and gathered ideas and thoughts, and thereafter introduced principles of propriety and righteousness and instituted laws and systems.

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Question 78

P: Modern medicine has scored significant victories against both, and the major causes of ill health and death are now the chronic degenerative diseases, such as coronary artery disease, arthritis, osteoporosis, Alzheimer's, macular degeneration, cataract and cancer.
Q: It follows that the majority of apparently healthy people are pre-ill.
R: Throughout human history the leading causes of death have been infection and trauma.
S: These have a long latency period before symptoms appear and a diagnosis is made.

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Question 79

P: The incidence and severity of Type B malnutrition will be shown to be worse if newer micronutrient groups such as the essential fatty acids, xanthophylls and flavonoids are included in the surveys.
Q: Commonly ingested levels of these micronutrients seem to be far too low in many developed countries.
R: Many national surveys reveal that malnutrition is common in developed countries.
S: This is not the calorie and/or micronutrient deficiency associated with developing nations (Type A malnutrition); but multiple micronutrient depletion, usually combined with calorific balance or excess (Type B malnutrition).

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In the following question, out of the four alternatives, select the alternative which is the best substitute of the phrase.

Question 80

Fear of pain.

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