SSC CGL Tier l 26th July 2023 Shift-2


For the following questions answer them individually

Question 51

The ratio of the number of boys in a school to the total number of boys and girls in that school is 7 : 17. If the number of boys in that school is 1099, then how many girls are there in that school?

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Question 52

For congruent triangles $$\triangle ABC$$ and $$\triangle DEF$$, which of the following statements is correct?

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Question 53

Ram and Shyam are racing along a circular track. The speed of Ram is thrice the speed of Shyam. The length of the circular track is 1440 m. After the start of the race from the same point simultaneously, Ram meets Shyam for the first time at the end of the 8th minute. If Ram and Shyam start the race again from the same starting point simultaneously, then the time taken by Shyam to finish the race is: (given that the length of the race is same as the length of the track)

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Question 54

Pipe A and pipe B running together can fill a cistern in 6 minutes. If B takes 5 minutes more than A to fill it, then the time in which A and B will fill that cistern separately will be, respectively, _____________.

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Question 55

If $$\left(a^{3} + b^{3}+ c^{3}- 3abc\right)= 405$$, and $$(a - b)^{2} + (b - c)^{2} + (c - a)^{2} = 54$$, find the value of (a + b + c).

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Question 56

What is the surface area (in $$cm^{2}$$) of a spherical sculpture whose radius is 35 cm?
[Use $$\pi = \frac{22}{7}$$]

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Question 57

Pipe A can fill 50% of the tank in 6 hours and pipe B can completely fill the same tank in 18 hours. If both the pipes are opened at the same time, in how much time (in minutes) will the empty tank be completely filled?

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Question 58

A 9-digit number 846523X7Y is divisible by 9, and Y - X = 6.
Find the value of $$\sqrt{2X + 4Y}$$.

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Question 59

$$\triangle$$ ABC is a right triangle. If $$\angle B = 90^{\circ}$$ and $$\tan A \frac{1}{\sqrt{3}}$$, then the value of $$\sin A \cos A + \cos A \sin C$$ is:

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Question 60

A policeman spots a thief at a distance of 360 m. Both the policeman and the thief simultaneously start running, with the former chasing the latter. While the thief runs at the speed of 8 km/h, the policeman runs at 9.2 km/h. How many metres will the policeman have to run before he catches up with the thief?

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