SSC CGL Tier l 19th July 2023 Shift-1


For the following questions answer them individually

Question 51

An 11-digit number 7823326867X is divisible by 18. What is the value of X?

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Question 52

(N+18) persons, each working for 7.5 hours a day, can complete 48% of a work in 20 days. (N+12) persons can complete the remaining work in 30 days, if each of them works for 6.5 hours per day. Determine the value of N.

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Question 53

If Mohit can complete $$\frac{2^{rd}}{3}$$ of work in 24 days, then in how many days can $$\frac{1^{th}}{9}$$ of the work be completed by him?

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Question 54

If ($$x + \frac{1}{x} = 2\sqrt{2}$$),  $$x > 1$$ what is the value of ($$x^{6} - \frac{1}{x^{6}}$$)?

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Question 55

If $$\frac{\sin x - \cos x}{\sin x + \cos x} = \frac{2}{5}$$, then the value of $$\frac{1 + \cot^{2} x}{1 - \cot^{2} x}$$ is:

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Question 56

Study the given pie-chart and answer the question that follows.
The pie-chart displays the percentage of fruits sold (in kg) by a fruit seller in one month.

If the total fruits sold by a fruit seller in one month was 50,000 kg. Find the approximate difference of the quantity (in kg) of pomegranates and that of berries.

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Question 57

Simplify the given expression.
$$\frac{432 \times 432 + 247 \times + 247 - 432 \times 247}{432 \times 432 \times 432 + 247 \times 247 \times 247}$$

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Question 58

Simplify the following.
$$\frac{3a + b}{2} - \frac{a - 3b}{3} + 2b$$

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Question 59



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Question 60

On day one, with speed v, R covers a distance x, in t time. On the next day, he covers a distance 2.5x in 0.75t time. What is his speed the next day?

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