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For the following questions answer them individually
Which of the following is called GDP Deflator?
Ratio of nominal to real GDP
Ratio of nominal to real GNP
Ratio of nominal to real CPI
Ratio of real to nominal GNP
Which organisation monitors the banks in actually maintaining cash balance?
State Bank of India
Reserve Bank of India
Grameen Bank of India
None of these
Which Country doesn't have a written Constitution?
United Kingdom
United States of America
In the Indian Parliamentary System, 'Vote on Account' is valid for how many months (except the year of elections)?
2 months
3 months
6 months
9 months
Takshashila University was located between which two rivers?
Indus and Jhelum
Jhelum and Ravi
Beas and Indus
Satluj and Indus
Who is the most prominent god of 'Rig Veda'?
Which Indian state has the largest share of the Wastelands in India?
Andhra Pradesh
Madhya Pradesh
Which is the highest peak in Andaman and Nicobar islands?
Mount Koya
Mount Diavolo
Saddle Peak
Mount Thuiller
How does a Unicellular Organism reproduce?
Cell division
Cell reproduction
Cell synthesis
What is the full form of DNA?
Diribo nucleic acid
Di nucleic acid
Dual nitrogen acid
Deoxyribonucleic acid
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