IBPS Clerk 14-Dec-2013


For the following questions answer them individually

Question 121

The ratio of monthly salaries of two persons, A and B is 8 : 7. If the salary of A is increased by 20% and that of B by 10%, the new ratio becomes 96 : 77. What is A's salary ?

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Question 122

Simple interest on a certain sum at 7 p.c.p.a for four years is Rs. 3584. What will be the compound interest on the same principal at 4 p.c.p.a. in two years ?

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Question 123

The cost of pure milk is Rs. 16 per litre. On adding water, the mixture is sold at Rs. 15/litre. In this way the milkman earns 25% profit. What is the ratio of milk and water in the mixture ? Assume the cost of water be Rs 0

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Question 124

Four persons - M, N, 0 and P-distributed a sum of Rs. 44352 among themselves. M got 3/8 th of total amount. N got 1/6 th part of the remaining amount. Thereafter, the remaining amount was divided between 0 and P in the ratio 3 : 2. The amount received by P is :

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Question 125

Three persons A, B and C start a business with 12800, 16800 and 9600 respectively. At the end of the year. B received Rs. 13125 as share in total profit. What is the share of Mr. C in the profit ?

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Question 126

One-third of a diagonal of a square is 3$$\sqrt{2}$$ units. What is the measure of the side of the square ?

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Question 127

56 men can do a job in 14 days. How many additional men are required to do the same job in 8 days?

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Question 128

A shopkeeper has goods of worth 6000. He sold half of the goods at a gain of l2%. At what profit percent should he sell the remaining half of the stock so that he gets 18% profit on the whole ?

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Question 129

A 210 metre long train crosses a man running at 9 kmph in opposite direction in 6 seconds. Find the speed of the train.

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Question 130

Average score of a cricketer in 13 matches is 42 runs. if the average score in the first five matches be 54 runs, what is the average score in the last eight matches ?

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