SBI Clerk 06 July 2008


For the following questions answer them individually

Question 1

Japan PM Shinzo Abe came to office last year with huge support in his favour. But since last few months he is facing problems in his political survival. Which of the following actions taken by him does not enjoy support of the people of the Japan? (pick up the correct statements.)
(A) Decision to postpone parliament election
(B) Failing to control inflation which has gone to level of 12% an unusual phenomenon in the history of Japan
(C) Decision to allow USA to make an Army Base in some of its islands where USA will have its nuclear war leads

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Question 2

As per the Economic Survey 2006-07 the foodgrain production may not touch the target fixed for the year. What is the target of the same set for the period ?

a: 100 million tonnes
b: 220 million tonnes
c: 175 million tonnes
d: 250 million tonnes
e: 320 million tonnes

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Question 3

Madhesi National Liberation Front (MNLF) is an organization active in which of the following countries ?

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Question 4

Who amongst the following cricketers became the ninth Indian to claim 150 or more wickets?

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Question 5

Which of the following sector banks brought its equity share (follow on public issue) for which the price was set as Rs. 940 per equity ?

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Question 6

“Rajapaksha threatens to dissolve Lanka Parliament” was the news in leading newspapers a few days back. Which of the following was the reason owing to which President Rajapaksha threatens to take such a drastic step ? ( Pick up the correct statements.)
(A). A number of MPs from Sri Lanka Freedom Party are defecting to join another party launched by another group of politicians .
(B). A group of politicians under the leadership of former President Chandrika Kumartunga is demanding the postponement of elections for the post of President due in the month of November 2007 so that Chandrika can come back from exile and contest of the same.
(C). Rajapaksa wants general public and also MPs to support his formula on Peace with LTTE which is not acceptable to most of the MPs.

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Question 7

Who amongst the following returned to earth after a long 195 days stay in space ?

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Question 8

“European Leaders agree on treaty’ was the news in leading newspapers in recent past. Which of the following was the treaty on which leaders were of diverse views ? (Pick up the correct statements.)
(A). The treaty was to make EURO Money a Universal currency for all financial/monetary transactions done by all the member countries w. e. f. April 2009.
(B). Treaty was to replace the defunct constitution of the European Union by a new one.
(C). Poland, one of the newest members of the Union was threatening to use its veto power if any change is done in the present set-up of 11-.e organization.

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Question 9

Prices of iron ore in Global market registered a substantial rise in the last few months (24%). This is attribute to the huge demand of the same in the Global market. Which of the following the is major importer of the Iron ore?

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Question 10

Which of the following rates is not decided by the RBI?

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